Friday 24 June 2016

Pag Island on the day we became non Europeans

So as I was mid dream at 3am last night I was awoken to the thought that the UK may have decided where it stands on being part of the EU. Ironically being in bed in Croatia, I watched the next few hours unfold to a victory for the leave campaign. 52% to leave versus 48% to remain. A sad, sad day for us as we class ourselves as Europeans and are proud of it. The thought of coming out of the EU makes us both feel claustrophobic and disappointed that we live in a country that chooses to not integrate but to separate, to want to quit where it could improve. It's shameful and I woke up in tears with the worry of what is to come. Complete financial instability and no future easy movement within Europe for our children.

This made the day start off very slowly. We didn't leave Zadar until the shock wore off around 10am. We had a free day today, in other words I hadn't planned anything so we had a little look on the map and decided the island of Pag looked quite interesting! 

So off we went, Ethan asleep in the car already to Pag. It's one of the largest islands in Croatia accessed by a bridge. We spent the day driving around the island, stopping off for ice cream
And drinks and sneaky dips in the Adriatic Sea. Paradise. 

We ended the day at Pag Town beach where we relaxed before driving up to our accommodation by the Plitvice National Park. We gave Ethan the choice between mine or Terrys ice cream to try. He ended up trying both and decided he liked Terrys the best as he was constantly eyeing it up and moaning when terry had some! So funny! 

We stayed in a beautiful apartment in the Croatian mountains last night near to the national park. It was so peaceful and lush full of gorgeous vegetation. Idyllic way to spend an evening. Ethan and I went to bed early and ended up taking up the whole bed so Terry spent the night in the single. Mumma just loves snuggling with her bubba! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I never thought Croatia would be so pretty! Enjoy the rest of you to Time 😘 Love you all