Sunday 2 May 2010

Motherland Calling

'Attention all passengers, we would like to remind you there is no smoking anywhere in the airport.' Yes you heard it, we are sitting in Sea-Tac Seattle International Airport ready to depart for our flight. Im watching the planes rise above the ground to the sky for their destinations, whilst chatting to Tel's mum about her plans to head back to the UK from Nigeria.

We gave Vancouver as long as we could, we tried to get work with no avail and attempted to see our futures in the city anyone would love to call home. We also just had news from home that the seizures I experienced in Bolivia and Thailand are more than just random and was actually told I have epilepsy. So all signs pointing back to the motherland. We met some amazing friends and had a great party life for the time we were there, trekking mountains, watching waterfalls, jumping into glacier fed water, eating dinner at midnight, joining in on the international 420 experience and playing yhatzee whilst choosing from 218 flavours of ice cream.

Our couchsurfing experiences were incredible, we met people that we will always call friends and will miss sadly. The beautiful Cici de Groot, (who looks like a drug dealer lol), brought up searching for gold and still searching through her spiritual side finding out her meaning to life. The blonde Aussie Mat who is living the high live in Vancouver and Hawaii, massaging his way through the next few years and Jen and Jena, two great girls who understand the travelling mentality and are uper cool to hang with. Spontaneous people who are ready to party at any time or day.

Vancouver was an epic experience and one we will never forget. Its the city of happiness, and friendship. In Vancouver, you feel free and spacious, you feel equal and not afraid. Everyone wants to help you and care for you. Cars would stop on a dual carriage way just to let us cross the road. Bus drivers would let us on for free and tell us what to do all day. People on the bus would sit by us just to hear how we are and how our lives are panning out. The subway wasn't controlled so many a times you ride just based on the trust of the government that you paid your fare.The kindness and happiness felt in Vancouver, with constant views of snow cap mountains is something special and something Canadians should really feel proud of. There is definitely a shortage of its kind.

However, a place can only work out if you have the money to sustain your travel. Maybe for us, we came to realise that its time to grow up a little, get serious, realise that you cannot travel forever on a tiny budget, maybe we finally realised that 2010 is the year that we need to get a career and a place to settle down. The women in me thinks this anyway (the emotional side of me that tried to squeeze its way through the excitement of having my backpack on my back), the other and maybe more realistic part of my brain, shudders at these expectations. Who tells you that getting a job and a house is the right way to live your live? Who tells you that travelling and experiencing new things everyday has to be only temporary? I guess money guides everything and without it, you cannot do either and maybe a mixture of both is the way to go.

So after two days of Seattle, more partying with friends  and a spontaneous visit from our amazing Aussie mate, Mat and couchsurfing in a castle, we are travelling back to the motherland, via a sneaky week in Iceland. The latest volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull has to be our last foreign experience for a while!

We are both excited to live the UK life for a while, but hey with us nothing can ever be permanent. 

'There is never a right or wrong, just a bunch of experiences' - Mathew Smith, living on a boat in Vancouver Harbour.

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