Monday 20 June 2016

Packing (lightly?)

So originally our plan was to go light. We paid for one suitcase with easyjet so plan was 2 pairs of shorts, 5 tops, one hoodie, two pairs of shoes and underwear. Yes as light as we would if it was one of our usual backpacking adventures. And then it turned into this...

A suitcase, 2 hand luggage suitcases, a backpack, a pushchair and a car seat. Not too mention layers of clothes and a baby Bjorn. Luckily we've hired a car to fit all of this into Croatia. 

We've had an extensive list going of all the things we need to keep our son alive, happy and stimulated. Formula, food (copious amounts as he's greedy), toys, nappies, clothes, dummies, bottles, sippy cup, calpol...the list in long. 

We are flying easyjet. They are supposedly baby friendly allowing us to take a car seat and pushchair for free. Yet to be tested so we will see! 

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