Tuesday 21 June 2016

Easyjet as easy as 1,2,3 with a baby

The process of getting to Croatia was so straightforward with Ethan. 

We checked in at the easyjet desk and put of suitcase on the scales. It was 21.7kg. Oops. Needed to get it down to 21 so we did some quick moving and shaking and voila, no problemo. 

After a smooth ride through security, I managed to feed him, change him and dress him. Easy.

Next up was the gate call. It felt like a million miles away but we made it and were put in the priority aisle.

Once the plane was ready, we took him out in the pushchair, collapsed it down (it's two parts and that was fine!) and popped on to a nice empty plane before it filled up with passengers. 

As we were departing I gave Ethan a bottle in the hope he would take it and the sucking motion will help his ears adjust. It worked! He fell asleep with his ear muffs on (great tip to rid the noise) and he slept for 20 minutes. 

Now on our mission to get out and ensure everything was packed for Ethan, we forgot food for ourselves and we are both pretty hungry now. The only thing easyjet offer to vegetarians is some lame cheese roll. Think I'd rather go hungry...

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