We escaped our own version of the rat race for a week away. We didn’t need any time to think about where to go we knew that we had to go and visit our own country as every time we travel we only have negative things to say about the UK to our backpacking buddies. We needed to see what we were missing or not missing be it the case!
How wrong were we!? Well, of course excluding the economic and social problems the UK presents, the UK has beautiful landscapes and lots of offer the traveller. We headed through Bristol , picked up the lovely Katy and drove up through the mountain passes of Wales to Snowdonia National Park . We spent the evening getting ruined by mossies and midges, but had lovely camp-man-ship in the form of some lads from Newcastle setting up a fire for us so that they could eventually see our face from the coverage of midges!

We climbed Snowden the next morning, only 1085 metres and with all of my cycling and my current mindset that anything is easier than the Inca trail, it was a doddle. Lovely views over the mountains and an inspiring place to be walking around.

We then headed north to the Lake District to stay in beautiful campsites overlooking the lakes. Taking in the rays (yes we did manage sunshine), we walked romantically around the lakes and breathed in the fresh air. After 2 nights there, we drove all the way to Loch Long in Scotland . We set up our lovely blue tent, overlooking the loch long whilst watching the sun go down. Terry popped to the local chippy and I made our falafels for a good old veggie treat. Perfection. Terry, me, our tent, chips and the most beautiful landscape ahead, turning slightly black as the sun falls asleep behind it.

The next morning we trekked through the mountain passes and then drove to Glencoe. Once at Glencoe we were treated by a very fast harrier jet as it was practising some moves. I literally thought I was going to die as it zoomed past, it was so loud. We camped in ‘Red Squirrel’ and went to the local pub for a Guinness only to be greeted with a band and some lovely highland fling dancing. A fabulous, truly Scottish evening, we couldn’t have asked for a better night out in Scotland .

We drove back spending the night on a rugby field, due to the fact the campsites in Northumberland were all sold out, and visiting the angel of the north and felt thoroughly happy and satisfied with our UK expedition. Mission accomplished: Our minds have changed. The UK has a lot to offer!
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