Sunday 14 March 2010

Canada is nearly upon us!

Hi guys! Its been quite a while since we blogged! Sorry about that. Not even sure who Im talking to as we probably don't have any followers, lol. So Jen and I have been back from South America for three months and will soon be going to sexy Toronto to (potentially) start a new life!!

We're going armed with work permits for a year and will pretty much be winging it! The idea at the moment is to couch surf. And for all you peeps who haven't heard about couch surfing...its awesome! You basically hook up with like minded cool-ass people and stay on their couch/spare bed for free! Its such a good idea and is a new social networking phenomenon (probs dodgy spelling there, lol).

So after we're settled in (as in, after a day or two...we dont hang about you know!)...we'll be getting a sweet job and pad to enjoy the great life in Toronto. Its such a cool-vibed place Toronto. We went in 2008 and loved it. Jen often remarks that she 'left her heart in Toronto' fingers crossed it'll work out that way this time round. To be honest, we simply went underprepared as we didn't go with a work visa! So we left and headed for Kiwi shores!

This time round we'll be going a bit more experienced and certainly a bit more in love with Canada. And Canadians are wicked eh!? They rock! Can't wait.

So, wish us luck everyone. Jen and I are very excited about this new venture. We don't do things by half do we....It'll be 3months to the day that I arrived in the UK and we're off again!! LOL.

LIVE LIFE PEOPLE...Don't just survive each you might not have too many of them to waste!

Peace out


Anonymous said...

Awesome blog babe, lets get going! Love me x

Anonymous said...

sexy jennifer love hewitt pictures