Hi all you addicted bloggers!
Thought you might like a little update on our lives and how things are going down under, well they are going good. We are enjoying having our own place, summer weather, beaches and planning little expeditions. We are both still trying our hardest to find jobs, I have managed to secure a job with a charity called World Vision for the Christmas period (the whole country shuts down for christmas over here and all staff get a free 2 weeks off!) and then after Christmas I am going to work as a campaigns coordinator for Oxfam. Terry is hard at work securing a project manager role and has temp work for a while so all good on that front. We are helping out with Oxfam's voluntary events, off to a few concerts and festivals with them and check out this website for our 1 minute of fame on the national news over here, see if you can spot Terry....
http://www.3news.co.nz/Video/Greens-show-support-for-Emission-Trading-Scheme/tabid/370/articleID/83171/cat/76/Default.aspx?articleID=83171#videoSo next weekend for our birthday treats we are off to the Coromandel Peninsula which is on the north east of New Zealand, the pics look like paradise and we are going to see if we can spot Orcas and Dolphins! Heres a taster of Cathedral Cove, we are staying 10 metres from this lush beach...

Hope everyone is well at home and getting all ready for Christmas. I must admit Christmas here is very strange, they are festive with decorations, a giant santa in the centre of the town and lots of parade's every week, however its missing something....winter, snow and family and friends!! The only good thing about Christmas here is that everyone gets out and about, tons of street parties, festivals and markets...this weekend is Christmas in the Park, a free concert full of top New Zealand acts, last weekend was a huge street festival where all the shops moved their stock to the streets and tons of bands played music and sang in the middle of the road. There was a choir there singing Silent Night which was very eerie as the weather was 80F! There's a definate community feel to this place where everyone just wants to have a good time (hence the whole country shutting its doors for 2 weeks over the festive time). The summer is in full bloom now though and much time is being spent in the pool relaxing (sorry all of you freezing right now!)
Will update more soon when we have some christmasy snaps to upload!
Bye for now!
Heres a few recent snaps for you, all of them in our back garden! ...
Christmas Party at work...Oriental Themed...

See you soon!