Hi all, Toronto was fab but we struggled to get jobs, it was so difficult without knowing someone in the business, so we made a big decision and decided to get our butts to New Zealand and Australia instead. Alaska and western Canada sounded incredible but ended up working out too expensive so we are going to save our money and get over to New Zealand where we can work straight away and earn money as well as seeing the world.

We may be away for a year, we have a year's visa, but that all depends on whether we like it out there or not. We have plenty of friends in New Zealand and Australia so can camp at their houses or maybe even get our own. Excited to get travelling again, fiji is only 2 hours away.
We know its the other side of the world, but if anyone fancies saving up, come over and visit us! Its summer at christmas time and we are one day in front of you once there!
We are currently in Michigan spending time with family, chilling by the pool and getting nice tans. Just off out for margaritas and mexican food and busy getting ready for the big trip. We fly out on 11th September (of all days!) to LAX and then to fiji and then on to New Zealand, flying into Auckland.
Sorry we didnt get 'proper' goodbyes but im sure you are all used to being without us now...think most of you have forgotten our blog anyway!
Speak to everyone soon and will upload some pics from america soon! Byseybye xxx
Hi Jen and Terry
I've got 2 days off - trying to use up my leave - so thought I'd check out the blog. I can see you only updated your blog yesterday.
Rex had already checked it out and even told me this morning about the video of your rooms in Toronto. Love the photos.
I told everyone at work that you were 'moving on' and they are disappointed for you. Paul D said he was going to email you but I'm not sure if he has.
Things have really quietened down on the project, which allows me to take the time off - I still have 8.5 days that I was supposed to use up for my birthday!!
Paul D has taken to calling Lesley "Bubbles" - do you remember the character in Absolutely Fabulous? He mimics her sometimes and really creases me up.
I'll be checking out the blog again so look forward to photos of you at your sister's. Bi hunnies x
Hi Terry and Jen, so you got the visa, great news!!!! i am at Tammy`s today (sunday) she is going to download skype, then you can chat to her. It`s raining here AGAIN!!! sounds great , chilling by the pool, lucky you.
Hopefully, the net will be back on at Greggs tomorrow, so we can keep in closer contact, i am already missing you both,i have already priced a flight to New Zealand, but wether i could do all those hrs on a plane, is something else. Oh well another adventure awaits you both, i love you both, big hugs and kisses love Mum xxxx
G'day Philleus Fogs long lost love children!!
How could we forget your blog, just kinda busy at the moment, off work from next weds for 3 weeks so need to get myself to a stage where i can just walk!! lol
Anyways, i'm late and hays is gonna kill me probably, so i'm off!!!!!
Chat soon
I wonder what i meant by gettin myself to a stage where i can just walk, isnt it weird when you look back at something and wonder what the hell you were banging on about!! Weeeeeird! x
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