After visiting smelly-Delhi, we headed north to Rishikesh in the foothills of the Himilayas! There were monkeys everywhere in the town. This guy was enjoying some Roti we think on a bridge!
Jen on the same bridge crossing into Rishikesh town, with the moutains all around here. Rishikesh is where the Ganges river meets the Himilayas....awesome!
This piccy is mainly for Jens dad to illustrate the building techniques (or lack of) here in India. This is their scaffolding! Hilarious or what...
In Rishikesh we met a really nice (and armed with a 1950's rifle) local police guy who spoke great English and let me have my piccy taken with him. Good work dude!
Whilst in Rishikesh it'd be a sin not to visit the Himilayas, or get as close to them as possible! So we took a tour up to 8,500 feet and then hiked up to 10,000 feet to get a lush view of the snow capped mountains. This is about 30 mins before on the car journey up to that point. Such beautiful scenery it was almost worth crying about...well, not me cos Im a bloke!
Once I'd pulled Jen up the mountain to see the amazing Himilayas, we were lucky enough to get a view of them. It doesn't happen very often and in fact the view wasn't totally perfect due to a bit of fog, but in the distance there you can see them. We could've stayed up there for hours!
And I couldn't believe it! Perched on a ledge up there was a small family of marmite jars doing exactly the same as us, taking in the view and smelling the fresh air! I mean, how did they get up that friggin mountain? We had a short conversation with them, shared a sandwich and then headed back down to our driver - who was asleep. ASLEEP!! In these amazing surroundings, how very dare he, lol.
Ah, thats a nice piccy isn't it. Jen, looking stunning as usual. The Himilayas just about in the background. I loved it up there, I really did!
1 comment:
You guys are finding marmite in the strangest of places, who ever could of predicted it!!
Erm Tel, dont wannt be the one to bring this up dude, but did the man with his big 50's gun scare you a little bit?
Only askin cos it looks like you've peed yourself :) x
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