No, I wasn't being a peeping Tom and hiding behind a bush taking pics of women, haha. I took this pic of a lady collecting some water from the local lake in Chandelao (which looked quite clean ctually). Pretty good pic I reckon!
On my way back from the lake it happened to be finishing time from school which meant that every student wanted to have their piccy taken..and were competing for centre stage!
As you can see, the kids here are amazing and have to work pretty damn hard to survive. They of course had time to stop and ask me to take their piccy, which I gladly obliged. They're not saluting either, the sun was very bright behind me!
A pic of Jen in our room in the fort of Khejarla. Beautiful room, stunning location...friggin windy which meant not sleep that night as we were the equivalent of 4 stories up with only partial windows!
Khejarla was where we had a fantastic real local family experience. Here, im posing with about half of the guys that were sitting around us, chilling, chatting in broken english and showing us their house...big family eh?!
We told them in Khejarla that we were recently married (as its easier than 'engaged'). They insisted therefore that Jen wear the traditional red saree and have her piccy taken in the air conditioned vodafone unit in their back random, so funny!!
The fort behind was pretty damn impressive.A pretty foggy Jodphur was its location and I hate having power lines in my pics! Always try to avoid that, sometimes not possible though
This guy was sat in a fort smoking his pipe which traditionally would've had opium in it!
.....actually, it looks like the same dude as the pic above...hang on, whats going on here! Im pretty sure its a diff guy, defs at a diff temple at Udaipur. Pretty cool pic of this old timer
Mahatma Gandhi. Picture taken in Udaipur where he used to live for 13 years
Jen audio-tour-guided up at the Blue City fort tour. Somehow she always knows how to smile in pics and I haven't got a weird
Same fort, same place, but this guy is a local security/turban-wearing demonstrator for the tourists
Stunnig view of the city from the fort walls I think in hard to keep track!
Part of our Indian extortion experience! She was threatening to throw paint on his windscreen if he didn't pay her 20 rupees...even though she looks quite happy about it!!! (worryingly)
Take one of Jen on the camel ready for our 2 hour trek into the desert near Jaiselmer....look at the state of her hair though, haha
......the camels thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop cracking up at her hairdo.....
Take two....much better Jen! Camels are quite literally, like 100ft tall. Check out the smile on his face though, they always seem happy!
Once we arrived at our desert camp we had some time to chill before our Indian buffet dinner and so I attempted (and failed) to take a good pic with my beautiful girlfriend
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